China Girl

International adoption through the eyes of a new father.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Chinese New Year

We took Alex to her first Chinese New Year last Sunday. She looked adorable but was a bit crabby. The nap schedule was messed up so she didn't really get one. We met some really nice people, won some good prizes, ate yummy food and got to see our first lion dance. Here are a few pictures. They aren't great because our subject would not look at us or smile hardly at all.

Most all of the kids there had on their Chinese silks but Alex was the big trendsetter. Tunics are big this year, so Mommy thought since it was cold out we would do our Chinese dress over jeans. We got lots of good comments from everyone. I am sure next year it will be all the rage.

We also got a ton of comments on Alex's curly hair. Only one other little girl (Gia) had curls. Everyone seemed very fascinated by it.

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